Saturday, October 26, 2013

ACA Questions

Just a few quickies for my liberal friends;
1.   Why do we need a mandate?  Candidate Obama attacked the mandate in both of his main rivals' plans back in 2008, HRC and JE.  Said you don't need in his plan because it would be affordable, and the reason people don't buy insurance isn't because they're cheap, it's because it currently costs too much.  Assuming he wasn't lying when he said "Obama Care" doesn't need a mandate because it would be affordable, why do we need the mandate?

2.  Why do we still have Medicaid?  Why not eliminate Medicaid and use the savings to put former participants into an exchange program?  One of the pillars of the ACA is providing coverage to those who can't afford it.   Medicaid is specifically designed to take care of poor people who can't afford insurance.  So why do we have 2 different massive programs to cover the same demographic?

3.  If a person doesn't sign-up and they go to an ER for non-emergent treatment, can the ER deny them treatment without having to worry about getting sued?  If the answer is no, it seems like the ACA will fail to achieve another one of its promised outcomes - reducing the number of non-emergent cases ending up in the ER.

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