Monday, March 4, 2013


A recent report out of India tells of sex-selection abortions...abortions conducted because the family didn't want a girl, and mom was carrying a female fetus.

For my pro-choice readers, is there anything wrong with this practice?  If woman has ultimate control over her reproductive system, is it ok for her to get an abortion based on the sex of the fetus?  Since sex can be determined at about 16 weeks, and in the US you can get an abortion up to the 24 week mark with few questions asked, it could happen.  In fact, how do we know it hasn't happened?

And if it's ok to abort based on the sex of the fetus, what about the race?  What if a women had consensual sex with more than one partner in a short span of time, and they were of different races.  Could a white women get an abortion because she didn't want a mixed race baby?

Research indicates that up to 92% of all Down syndrome pregnancies are medically aborted at the request of the mother.
Given the fantastic pace of medical technology, it won't be long before a host of other physical features can be predicted in utero.   I wonder if the pro-choice folks will still feel the same way.

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