Wednesday, January 16, 2013

BHO's Gun Control Proposals

Today President Obama announced 23 actions to reduce gun violence in America.  Supporters of the 2nd Amendment should take this opportunity to more clearly express themselves (talking to you NRA) on the issue.

I own a number of guns for both hunting and personal protection.  I used to be an NRA member but haven't been for a long time.  It's not that I don't agree with them on some issues, I'm just too cheap to join.  That being said, I don't have any major heartburn with 21 of the 23 recommendations, and my guess is the vast, vast majority of gun owners don't, either.  For instance, requiring background checks on all sales seems to be a reasonable step.  After all, if they're a good idea for retail sales transactions, why aren't they a good idea for private party transactions?  It's also nice to see the administration acknowledge that, in some situations, putting armed officers in schools is actually a good idea.  The 180 the administration is doing on this one won't be called out by the MSM as that wouldn't frame BHO is a positive light, yet, that's exactly what happened.  It's also similar to the NRA's recommendation from a few weeks ago.

There are plenty of 'feel good, accomplish nothing' recommendations that don't interfere with our right to own why get in a shouting match over them?   Let it go.  Following the Sandy Hook murders the NRA came out with some stupid sounding statements and, rightfully, paid the price.  Now is not the time to blow up over the feel-goods.  Now is the time to be reasonable and supportive.

"We've had a chance to review the President's recommendations and, on balance, we feel the same way he does.  Concrete, effective changes should be made.  Of the President's 23 recommendations, the NRA supports 21 of them.  While the tendency in the media is to focus on our differences, I'd like to point out that President Obama and the NRA agree on 91% of his recommendations....that's a pretty darn good rate.  As for the areas in which we don't yet fully agree, the NRA will continue to work with President Obama and the Congress to craft meaningful legislation that comports with the 2nd Amendment."

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