Monday, October 8, 2012

Headed for Disaster

Received this e-mail today from the Romney campaign;


President Obama's foreign policy is a foreign concept to Americans. 

His policy is one of passivity and denial, which places America and our allies at the mercy of those who mean to do us harm.

Despite all the recent catastrophes, President Obama continues to show that he does not grasp the gravity of what's occurring -- and he has no strategy
to protect and advance our interests.

He has downgraded our relationship with Israel, failed to develop a strategy that protects and advances our interests in the Middle East, and put our 
nation on track for massive cuts to the defense budget.

In a time of testing, an American president must demonstrate strong leadership.

Mitt Romney will provide the leadership needed to shape world events and protect our interests and our 

Mitt Romney will call terrorism what it is; he won't abdicate American leadership; and he will never apologize for America.

Mitt Romney will offer a stark contrast between his vision for a strong foreign policy and the failed record of President Obama.

Where President Obama has shown weakness, a Romney administration will demonstrate strength and resolve.

Where President Obama has shown equivocation, a Romney administration will demonstrate clarity and never hesitate to speak out for 
American values.

Whereas President Obama insists upon making devastating defense cuts, a Romney administration will prioritize national defense and never 
leave our troops and military families without the resources they need to keep our nation safe.

In a dangerous world, we can't allow indifference to undermine security. Only strength and clarity can keep the peace. A strong America 
equals a peaceful world.

We can't afford four more years of foreign policy failures.

It's time for a real recovery -- our country and our world depend upon it.

Thank you,

Lanhee Chen, Ph.D.

My response to the e-mail:
I support Gov. Romney and will vote for him.  I actively campaign among my friends and acquaintances for Gov. Romney and spend a good 
deal of time on NPR and other news outlets fighting for the RR ticket.  I listen to a wide-range of talk radio shows including Air America, 
Democracy Now, Rush and Sean.  In short, I'm a political junky.  And yet I've failed to find anybody who thinks President Obama is as 
vulnerable on FP as he is on the economy.  I've yet to find anybody who thinks Gov. Romney's FP experience is superior to President Obama's 
execution.  Hell, BHO has simply followed there's not much to complain about.  What I have found is a lot of people who roll their 
eyes when we start talking about Gov. Romney and FP.  What the hell makes you think this is a good move?  MR won the first debate - which 
was the most important one.  He's gained in the polls.  He's getting fence sitters in swing states to move his way because he seemed decent and 
credible in the economic debate.  Why jeopardize the momentum by attacking a sitting President on FP when the majority of voters either don't 
care about it as much as they do the economy, or think BHO has done a decent job?

So, while I will continue to give to the RR ticket, I'm not going to endorse the idiotic notion that going after BHO on FP is going to help the 
campaign at will simply come across as excessively partisan politics.  PLEASE don't take this tack in the upcoming debate.  Go for 
Mr. Niceguy who has a few difference on FP than BHO does and then get back on the economy....stupid.


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